SATSA - Population
The SATSA population consists of a base sample of a selected subset of twins reared apart (TRA) from the Swedish Twin Registry (STR), and a control sample of twins reared together (TRT) also from the STR matched on gender, age, and county of birth.
Data Collection Event
Twin pairs who were over 50 years of age and both responded to the initial questionnaire participated in the IPT component, which included interviews; a health examination; tests on functional capacity, cognitive abilities, and memory; and biosamples collection.
Beginning at IPT2, a questionnaire was given to the participant during IPT in lieu of mailing the questionnaire. The questionnaire was the same as the postal questionnaire that included items concerning health status, how they were raised, work environment, alcohol consumption, and dietary and smoking habits, as well as questions about personality and attitudes. Participants completed a nutritional survey to allow computation of quantity and frequency measures of several nutrients.
Physical measures included: blood pressure, pulse, anthropometric measures, dental status, lung function, grip strength, gait and balance, physical performances measures for upper and lower body functional activity, validity for measuring activities of daily (e.g. turn key in lock, pour glass of water). In addition one series of tests was included to determine possible impairment of the cranial nerves.
The cognitive battery was designed to represent the domains of crystallized and fluid intelligence and memory. The battery included the Mini-Mental Status Exam, Information test, Synonyms test, Analogies test, Figure logic test, Block design test, Card rotation test, Digit span (Forward and Backward) test, Picture memory test, Names and faces test, Digit symbol test, and Figure identification test.
A fasting blood and a morning urine samples were also collected.