Individual Study / SWEOLD

Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old

Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old

Networks -
Datasets -
Variables -
Start Year


Investigators Contacts
  • Pr. Johan Fritzell
    Karolinska Institutet
  • Dr. Carin Lennartsson
    Karolinska Institutet
  • Pr. Johan Fritzell
    Karolinska Institutet
  • Dr. Carin Lennartsson
    Karolinska Institutet


Study design
Follow Up
Supplementary Information
The SWEOLD sample was initially designed based on an existing nationally representative sample of the total adult population in Sweden – the Swedish Level of Living Survey (LNU). SWEOLD comprises those persons previously included in the LNU sample who have passed the LNU’s upper age limit of 75 years (in 1992, 2002, and 2011) or 69 years old (in 2004 and 2014), and are still living in Sweden at the time of the survey waves, with the exception of the first survey wave that was restricted to persons who had previously been interviewed at least once in any of the previous LNU surveys. The data waves represent sequential, repeated, cross-sectional surveys.

Marker Paper

Lennartsson, C., Agahi, N., Hols-Salén, L., Kelfve, S., Kåreholt, I., Lundberg, O., Parker, M., & Thorslund, M. (2014). Data resource profile: the Swedish Panel Study of living conditions of the oldest old (SWEOLD). International Journal of Epidemiology, 43(3), 731-738.

PUBMED 24651397


Sources of Recruitment
  • Individuals

Number of participants

Number of participants
No Limit
Number of participants with biosamples
Supplementary Information
The number of participants are dependent on how many persons from the LNU sample has survived to old age. In 2011, the SWEOLD sample was complemented by an additional representative sample of the Swedish population aged 85–99. This additional sample allows for more detailed analyses in smaller age and sex subgroups for those over 85 years of age.


Availability of data and biosamples

Possible Access to Data
Possible Access to Biosamples


SWEOLD - Population

Selection Criteria
Minimum age
  • Sweden
Ethnic Origin
Health Status


Sources of recruitment
  • General population
  • Participants from existing studies
General Population
  • Selected sample
Participants from existing studies
  • Swedish Level of Living Surveys (LNU)

Number of participants

Number of participants
No Limit
Number of participants with biosamples
Supplementary Information
Survey 1992: 537 participants
Survey 2002: 621 participants
Survey 2004: 1180 partcipants
Survey 2011: 931 participants
Survey 2014: 1297 participants
Data Collection Events
# Name Description Start End
0 SWEOLD - Survey 1992 1992-01 1992-04
1 SWEOLD - Survey 2002 2002-08 2003-03
2 SWEOLD - Survey 2004 2004-11 2005-04
3 SWEOLD - Survey 2011 2010-10 2011-09
4 SWEOLD - Survey 2014 2014-09 2015-08