Network / NEAR

National E-lnfrastructure for Aging Research

National E-lnfrastructure for Aging Research

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Studies 15
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Investigators Contacts
  • Debora Rizzuto
    Karolinska Institutet
  • Prof. Laura Fratiglioni
    Karolinska Institutet
  • Maria Wahlberg
    Karolinska Institute
  • Basile Rommes
    Karolinska Institute

Summary Statistics

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Individual Studies

Acronym Name Study design Participants Countries
KP Kungsholmen Project Cohort 1,810 Sweden
SNAC-K Swedish National Study of Aging and Care in Kungsholmen Cohort 4,430 Sweden
SMC Swedish Mammography Cohort Cohort 66,651 Sweden
SATSA Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging Cohort 2,019 Sweden
OCTO-Twin Origin of Variances in the Oldest-Old: Octogenarian Twins Cohort 702 Sweden
Betula Betula Study Cohort 4,425 Sweden
COSM Cohort of Swedish Men Cohort 48,850 Sweden
H70 The Gothenburg H70 Birth Cohort Studies Cohort 9,209 Sweden
GENDER Ageing in Women and Men: A Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences in Health Behaviour and Health among Elderly Cohort 1,210 Sweden
SWEOLD Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old Cross-sectional Sweden
SNAC-N Swedish National Study of Aging and Care in Nordanstig Cohort 1,504 Sweden
SNAC-B Swedish National Study and Care in Blekinge Cohort 1,817 Sweden
GÅS-SNAC-S Swedish National study on Aging and Care - Good Aging in Skåne Cohort 5,804 Sweden
SALT Screening Across the Lifespan Twin Study Cohort 44,919 Sweden
SHARE-Sweden Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe - Sweden Cohort 6,686 Sweden